Waking up on November 8, 2006
Last weekend, if you hadn’t heard, volunteers knocked on doors in all 72 Wisconsin counties, talking to people about the amendment to ban civil unions and marriage for same-sex couples. (Personally, I heard a lot about it, since I had a hand in printing out many of the walking lists that volunteers used around the state.)
Fair Wisconsin has a page where they’ve compiled press coverage for the 72-County Canvass. Locally, Barry Adams had a nice write-up of the event in the Wisconsin State Journal, featuring the University of Wisconsin-Madison LGBT Campus Center’s very own, Nathan Figueroa. Mayor Dave also took part in the Madison canvass.
This event demonstrates the broad scope from which we're fighting this battle. It's not just in Madison or at the University of Wisconsin, it's happening throughout the state. And no matter where you are in Wisconsin – if you’ve gone home for the summer, for example – there are things you can do to help out.
Today, I walked into the office of one of the staff members at the Fair Wisconsin, and I saw a sign that said: “How will you feel when you wake up on November 8?” It’s a question we should all be asking ourselves – a question whose answer we should be shaping every day.
Fair Wisconsin has a page where they’ve compiled press coverage for the 72-County Canvass. Locally, Barry Adams had a nice write-up of the event in the Wisconsin State Journal, featuring the University of Wisconsin-Madison LGBT Campus Center’s very own, Nathan Figueroa. Mayor Dave also took part in the Madison canvass.
This event demonstrates the broad scope from which we're fighting this battle. It's not just in Madison or at the University of Wisconsin, it's happening throughout the state. And no matter where you are in Wisconsin – if you’ve gone home for the summer, for example – there are things you can do to help out.
Today, I walked into the office of one of the staff members at the Fair Wisconsin, and I saw a sign that said: “How will you feel when you wake up on November 8?” It’s a question we should all be asking ourselves – a question whose answer we should be shaping every day.