Voices for No (Part One)
As we mentioned here yesterday, this week is "Voices for No" week for the Madison Chapter of Students for a Fair Wisconsin. We asked a bunch of people to finish the sentence "I'm voting no on November 7th because..." and then we picked twelve of our favorites to put on our literature this week. Below are six of our twelve voices, and we'll post the other six tomorrow.

"I'm voting no on November 7th because if the ban passes, more of UW's oustanding professors will leave because they will never receive partnership benefits."
-Dylan Rath, Chair of ASM

"I'm voting no on November 7th because I believe it's wrong to place anyone's life or family up for a vote."
-Ginnie Kamp, junior

"I'm voting no on November 7th because it's appalling to use a constitutional amendment to deny rights. Wisconsin's Constitution is meant to protect personal freedoms."
-Patrick Elliott, first-year law student

"I'm voting no on November 7th not because I'm some liberal budding politician or a rainbow warrior. Rather, I'm voting no because I'm merely a girl that, just like anyone else, wishes to be with the one I love."
-Jhani Miller, sophomore

"I'm voting no on November 7th because this is more than a partisan issue; it's an issue of right and wrong. Writing discrimination into Wisconsin's Constitution is wrong, and students of all political beliefs understand that."
-Eli Lewien, Chair of College Democrats of Madison

"I'm voting no on November 7th because I think that all loving families should be valued, regardless of gender."
-Magdalena Cerrina, freshman
Note: This post also appears on Fair Wisconsin's No on the Amendment Blog.

"I'm voting no on November 7th because if the ban passes, more of UW's oustanding professors will leave because they will never receive partnership benefits."
-Dylan Rath, Chair of ASM

"I'm voting no on November 7th because I believe it's wrong to place anyone's life or family up for a vote."
-Ginnie Kamp, junior

"I'm voting no on November 7th because it's appalling to use a constitutional amendment to deny rights. Wisconsin's Constitution is meant to protect personal freedoms."
-Patrick Elliott, first-year law student

"I'm voting no on November 7th not because I'm some liberal budding politician or a rainbow warrior. Rather, I'm voting no because I'm merely a girl that, just like anyone else, wishes to be with the one I love."
-Jhani Miller, sophomore

"I'm voting no on November 7th because this is more than a partisan issue; it's an issue of right and wrong. Writing discrimination into Wisconsin's Constitution is wrong, and students of all political beliefs understand that."
-Eli Lewien, Chair of College Democrats of Madison

"I'm voting no on November 7th because I think that all loving families should be valued, regardless of gender."
-Magdalena Cerrina, freshman
Note: This post also appears on Fair Wisconsin's No on the Amendment Blog.
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