One Big Step
As you surely know by now, the UW-Madison Chapter of Students for a Fair Wisconsin held their kickoff last night on the Madison campus. And it was a resounding success. Over 350 students came to show their opposition to the proposed ban of gay marriage and civil unions and to learn more about how to get involved with the campaign on campus. That's right: we filled the room!

At the meeting, Representative Mark Pocan addressed the crowd, stressing the importance of the student vote in defeating the ban. He called on students to make sure their voices were heard by informing their peers about the ban and making sure every student gets out to vote.
After Pocan spoke, Fair Wisconsin Campaign Manager Mike Tate took the stage to motivate students to get involved. He asked the students to picture 15 years from now, when they are talking to their children about the ban. He asked everyone in the audience to think about that day, and whether they would be able to tell their children that they sat on their couches, eating pizza and drinking beer, or whether they would be able to say they took a stand, got involved, and sent a message to this state and this nation that we will not tolerate discrimination.

The meeting concluded with pizza and with handing out window signs to the students in attendance. (And if you happen to have been in attendence, and didn't get a sign - we ran out - expect an email from us soon about where and when you'll be able to get one.)

Finally, the Daily Cardinal also has a piece about the event, and Fair Wisconsin has more photos on their blog.
As we, and others, have been saying all along: students have the power to make sure this ban doesn't pass. Last night, we took one big step in showing why.

The Students for a Fair Wisconsin.
At the meeting, Representative Mark Pocan addressed the crowd, stressing the importance of the student vote in defeating the ban. He called on students to make sure their voices were heard by informing their peers about the ban and making sure every student gets out to vote.
After Pocan spoke, Fair Wisconsin Campaign Manager Mike Tate took the stage to motivate students to get involved. He asked the students to picture 15 years from now, when they are talking to their children about the ban. He asked everyone in the audience to think about that day, and whether they would be able to tell their children that they sat on their couches, eating pizza and drinking beer, or whether they would be able to say they took a stand, got involved, and sent a message to this state and this nation that we will not tolerate discrimination.

Campaign Manager Mike Tate energizes the crowd.
The meeting concluded with pizza and with handing out window signs to the students in attendance. (And if you happen to have been in attendence, and didn't get a sign - we ran out - expect an email from us soon about where and when you'll be able to get one.)

Students pick up window signs as they leave the meeting.
Finally, the Daily Cardinal also has a piece about the event, and Fair Wisconsin has more photos on their blog.
As we, and others, have been saying all along: students have the power to make sure this ban doesn't pass. Last night, we took one big step in showing why.
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